
Don’t Drive Your Process with Email

By Bob Beliveau. I’m going to level with you.  I’m not a big fan of driving processes with Email.  Oh sure, Email does have its place.  When I order a new gadget on Amazon, I like to get that Email confirmation.  And it’s cool to track your order via FedEx as it makes its way […]

It’s the Data, Dummy …

By Bob Beliveau. Decades ago, when I entered the industry, I joined a department called Data Systems. Many of my wet-behind-the-ears colleagues worked at other companies in their Management Information Systems (MIS) departments. We learned how to make the big iron mainframes crunch numbers and deliver reports to the line units. Sometime later, (the 1990s […]

Moving to the Cloud

By Bob Beliveau. We’ve reached a tipping point where companies are comfortable moving their systems to the cloud. The cost savings, combined with the speed of implementation now outweigh concerns about hosting systems offsite. But internet based systems offer opportunities for collaboration that traditional packaged systems cannot capitalize on.

Learning from Experience

By Mike Fannon. During my long tenure with Human Genome Sciences (from late 1992 through 2005), I had the good fortune to participate in a biotech startup from the ground floor.  It was a real learning experience to work for an entrepreneurial company staking a claim on the genomic frontier in the mid 1990s.

The Best of Both: Custom versus Packaged IT Solutions

By Bob Beliveau. Part of any IT project is the build-buy decision. Are the system requirements unique enough to merit a custom solution, or can they be satisfied with a package product and a bit of configuration? Is the business process being automated a core, differentiating process, or is it a “back office” process such […]

Biotechnology Avalanche of Data

By Jeff Schumack. Our professional services clients are demanding timely and accurate access to actionable information distilled from the avalanche of data generated by instruments, experiments, reports and management procedures. The widespread use of automated instrumentation and analytical tools introduces the need for effective, flexible and scalable data management approaches. Instrument data and sophisticated analysis […]